A Bath With A Friend


We moved to the bathroom with Aquarina to take a quick bath before going to this small town. We had portable bathrooms which were a very rustic bathtub made out of wood resembling a barrel, which was enhanced with magic to become reinforced, it is capable of heating up water and also producing it through two small red and blue jewels stuck to it named Spirit Stones. They're special stones that are found in mountains infused with mana over eons.

These special Stones, according to my mother, are infused with natural elements, and by infusing mana into them, they can produce the element they are. There are Fire, Water, Wind, Thunder, Earth, Darkness, Light, and more stones as well, which are all infused with certain elements. These two stones are quite of high purity, but my mother said that Spirit Stones usually come in big and colorful chunks of many elements and need to be cut down and refined into single element jewels to be used properly.