Emotion Magic


"Like this, I can feel if someone harbors darkness or light in their hearts, and if they have bad or good intentions with us… None of you had bad intentions, but a few harbored a deep darkness and sorrow… I felt pity for your hearts, and I welcomed you all without hesitating."

Mary suddenly thew a big reveal out of nowhere. Apparently she was long ago taught a special spell that can help her read emotions to an extent, and even the true intentions of people. If they harbor hate or ill intentions, she can easily tell. But it also can even tell her if they have "darkness" or "light" inside their hearts. But having darkness doesn't mean having bad intentions, it merely means that someone had gone through a lot of pain and suffering, perhaps, and there's a big burden someone's heart is carrying…

Do my parents… and Aquarina's parents carry such a darkness?

Did I also carry it? Could Mary had seen through my heart?