The Mysterious Perpetrators


In the middle of the night within the fiefdom of Eastgrain, a group of five mysterious figures ran through the alleys, reaching the ruined building where the orphanage for demi-humans was located. The entire place looked like an abandoned house, with the windows covered with several pieces of wood and moss, and the door was barely standing… It was honestly a miracle that this ruined building was holding up until now. The mysterious figures smiled rather viciously and almost comically cartoonishly, as they took out small daggers from their pockets.

"This is the place? It looks like an abandoned house… I can't believe this hole is where that damn pile of misfits are living…"

"I can't believe the government is letting these demi-humans stay here as if they were citizens, didn't we had a war with them? The demons killed many of us, why are they being forgiven now?"