An Intense Clash Against A Mysterious Figure!


A person wearing black robes emerged. Her voice was clearly female, but slightly distorted, perhaps by the magic mask she was wearing. She was covered in the same robes that the other people was wearing, their were black and blue, with a big purple eye in the middle of the hood, which concealed their hair. Her presence was powerful, emanating a strong aura of darkness.

"It is truly a pain you would be in here with your father… What a pain." She sighed.

"Huh? Who are you?! How do you know my father?!" I asked.

"Tch, as if I couldn't even know the famous S Rank Adventurer that has been going around walking everywhere, acting kindly to people and like an asshole to others… His daughter and wife are a topic of conversation literally everywhere…" The woman answered.

"Are you targeting us?!" I asked angrily.