Confronting The True Demons


"This is Berith, the Duke of the fifth Gate of Hell. Don't mind his silent nature, he is a powerful knight that loves slaughter, blood, and battles where people fight until the end." Lilith said. For her, it was all some sort of game, she was introducing her demons as if she was introducing friends to us.

"It is a pleasure to meet the sacrifices of today. As my lady said, I am Berith. I will be in your care."

Berith spoke with a rather gallant and firm voice. His entire appearance couldn't be easily discerned as he was wearing a full set of red armor. However, I could easily tell he was at least twice as taller as Lilith. He was mounting an enormous demonic horse set in flames which allowed him to float in midair.

He wore a pike covered in blood and the countless bones and heads of many humans and demons he had slain… perhaps the sacrifices offered to him beforehand. Beneath his helmet, I noticed glowing red eyes which glared directly at me.