Beautiful Dreams


I spent the next few hours talking with Mary, Mist, and Celica. Through the week I spent being unconscious, they were slowly adapting to everything in our "wandering village". Apparently after the whole fight against Celeste, my parents quickly picked up the people of the orphanage in a very peculiar way…

"Well, Arafunn, your uncle, did something… rather surprising. He used his Wind Magic to lift the entire house off the ground, and flew it all the way outside the village…" Mary said.

"He did what?! Did uncle really do that?!" I asked in shock.

"Y-Yes… He used special magic to hide what he did, so nobody was able to actually see it at the end, but it was very shockingly surprising." Sighed Mary.

"We flew into the skies! Uncle Arafunn is very cool! I want to use wind magic one day, can I?" Wondered Mist.