Meeting The King Of Elves


The next morning quickly came, and I was forced to wake up very early to go to the capital. Everybody that was "important" had to go, which included all five heroes with us, Uncle Arafunn ended coming with us instead of flying away as he had originally planned and seemed to want to help us as well. Ninhursag and Zack were told to stay in the camp with everybody else. Just if anything were to happen, mother erected a barrier and our parents left a few spirits around.

We moved across the skies atop father's phoenix, and we quickly and easily crossed the sky in a flash. In just half an hour, we arrived at the capital, and we were greeted with dozens of Wyvern Knights that tried to stop us.

"A Giant Phoenix?!"

"What should we do?!"

"Isn't that a Tier 9 Monster or stronger?! How can we even deal with that?"

"Don't panic! We have to distract the monster as much as we can, don't let it get closer to the capital!"