A Unforgivable Beautiful Moment


While resting in the grass and almost falling asleep, I suddenly sensed some footsteps slowly getting closer. I looked at my side, finding Aquarina sitting at my side.


"Oh, hey…"

She looked quite tired, I guess she came to spend some time with me. She always comes to my side when I am feeling lonely.

"It has been a big party, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah… Are you tired?" She asked.

"A bit… I am a bit tired, yeah."

As we looked into the sky, Aquarina got closer to me.

"W-We have lived a lot of adventures together… I can't believe we are just twelve though…" She sighed.

"Yeah, it has been a long journey until now, filled with many things in between our path… Maybe too many." I said.

"I am glad we were able to settle down her and relax… My birthday's coming next." She said.

"I know, I am preparing you a nice gift! I will make it with all my… my love." I said.