The Helper's Squad


"Then why didn't you just said that?" I asked her, hugging her.

"I just… I was trying to find a solution. Maybe by asking you girls… But at the end, the future is so uncertain and scary… Even I, as strong as I am… I couldn't change a single thing." She cried. "I don't want you to go through those horrendous moments, through those horrible things…"

"If you don't want to do it, then you won't. You're our daughter before being a hero or anything…" My father said, petting my head. "The future's scary, yeah. It is very scary. Despite all the strength we have, we can never change a single thing. But let's try to change it now. Together, maybe we can find another way, a different route… It might be frightening to even think about daring to do such a thing but… There's no other option. Doing what they say is simply not the right thing to do anymore."