Mining Materials Happily


As we reached the Lake, we quickly flew down with Furoh. Reaching the starting point of the Rocky Valley. We came here looking for two crystals, fire, and water spirit stones, and also to hunt some critters here and there, that's all.

The actual challenge starts in the Dungeon we are about to enter, and this one is an actual dungeon and not just abandoned ruins with monsters inside. However, as they haven't been tempered by the ancient wizard that father mentioned back then in the Eastgrain Dungeons, it doesn't have "channels", we can enter and just get inside and fight the monsters there freely.

This also means that the Evil God of Dungeons has a greater authority over this Dungeon… We could be afraid and just step away, but I am not that kind of person. The power he can exert over the Dungeons themselves is small, he needs catalyzers and those that worship him to bring and use special items.