Against Eels And Snakes!



Giant Amphibious Eel emerged! Their appearance was much like normal fresh water eels, long, black, and with yellow eyes. They had long gills and incredibly sharp teeth though, and they seemed to be incredibly aggressive and territorial, a whole family of them emerged the moment we stepped into the Coral Forest, the second floor of the Dungeon.

"How many of these guys are out there?!" Asked Aquarina in shock.

"T-There's probably… six of them? No, way more than six… seven, eight, nine! Ah, there's over ten already! Ugh, they're all slippery!" Celeste said. "Well not like it matters! {Darkness Spear}!"

Celeste was quick to act, quickly conjuring several spears made of darkness and launching them at the eels, the spears were strong, piercing through their slippery skin and exploding afterwards.