Aquarina's Amazing Ability


Aquarina kept training, and training, and training.

She converted into Hollow dozens of times, and each time, her father stopped her and then utilized potions to heal her mental fatigue and her vitality.

Until finally, after 8 months…

"Unnggh… Ahhhh… Hahhhh…" Aquarina was gasping for air, resisting the darkness, and standing still… Somehow, this time, it was different.

After dozens of times of being consumed she started to slowly gain a resistance. Her mind was changing, it was becoming capable of resisting the Abyss that was brought by her lineage's powers. The shadows that consumed countless members in the past…

"Can you move in that state?" Shade asked.

"I… can!" Aquarina muttered, her eyes growing redder as she felt like they were burning.

Aquarina slowly began walking towards her father, step by step, trying not to let the shadows control her, but to control the shadows herself.