I'll Always Be There For You


What had happened just now left us a bit surprised, and slightly tired. We agreed on taking a small break before continuing. Aquarina was rather sad she was being controlled, and her hate for the gods became even bigger for some reason. She was also glancing at the egg with a bit of hate, though if it ever hatches and it's a nice dragon, I think we should still keep it.

"Sigh… I can't believe I just did that without even knowing…" Sighed Aquarina. "Thank you for being there Sylphy…"

"Don't worry, everything's alright now. Alice inspected you using her light magic and she says you're already fine, the mind controlling effect has been completely dispelled." I told her, trying to calm her nerves.

"That's… relieving." She sighed, still feeling slightly down.

Everyone seemed silent as well, nobody really knew what to say, so they were leaving it all to me, geez. Well, she's… my special one. So I suppose it is my duty to cheer her up.