Advancing Through Floor 3


I tried feeding Sapphire with fishmen scales and even their magic crystal, but she didn't accepted them. She probably has a rather high standards or something, so she only accepted those starting materials and now just wants something even better. Well, at the very least she got some nice stat boosts out of that and also two new skills!


[Flame Shield: Lv1] 

By channeling mana into the living shield's body, it is possible to unleash a large amount of flames, which protects the shield from even stronger fire and lightning attribute attacks. It can also absorb a part of this damage and unleash it as a devastating {Blazing Parry} to a foe, dealing up to +120% Damage. Absorption Rate and Damage Dealt using {Blazing Parry} increases by +10% with each Skill Level.


[Sea Snake Protection: Lv1]