The Queen's Arrival Is Close


"Oh my, oh myyyyy~! We're getting closer already! Uwaaah! I can't wait to see my little Fayleeeeen!"

A beautiful fairy with colorful wings and long, blonde hair reaching to her feet giggled, wearing a wonderful and glamorously colorful dress made out of fine silk, her eyes shone bright rainbow as they changed colors constantly depending in her emotions, an interesting trait Fairies had.

"When are we getting there?! Hurry!" She said, as her servants nodded.

"We are moving as fast as we can, Queen Arlayna." Sighed one of her closest servants, a beautiful young pink-haired Noble Elf lady wearing elven armor and holding a golden spear and a shield.

"But Maryrose, we must hurry! Hurryyyy!" The queen complained.

"We should get there in about an hour, milady." Sighed Maryrose. "Please, let's wait patiently."

"Ugh, so boring… Maybe I should fly there myself and surprise everyone?!" Suggested the queen.
