Growing Stronger


After having created Brownie and learning a bit of what happened to the Moles that attacked the farmlands of our country, I quickly decided to get down the enhancement potions before the big desserts.


[You've consumed [Greater Strengthening Elixir (B Grade)] x6 and [Divine Strengthening Elixir (A Grade)] x8!]

[Your [Physique]: [Tier 5: Rank 6: Divine Yggdragon Princess Physique] has increased to Tier 5: Rank 7!]

[Your Physical capabilities have developed tremendously.]

[As a result of the Physique growing stronger, related Skills to the Physique have gained additional power.]

[Your senses have been sharpened even further.]

[You've consumed [Greater Rune Potion (B Grade)] x6 and [Divine Grade Rune Potion (A Grade)] x8!]

[Your [Magic Circle]: [Tier 5: Rank 6: Spiritual Princess Magic Circle] has increased to Tier 5: Rank 7!]

[Your Magic Circle has developed thousands of new Elemental Runes of many types.]