The Legacy Of The Previous Hero Of Wild Beasts


"S-Sorry about that…" Luck apologized as we were making our way across the plains. "I haven't even meet other people than Anima before, so this is all new to me. I didn't knew male elves could look like females so much."

"Well, they vary, some do have quite the rough appearances." I said. "Uncle Arafunn is just especially handsome. I think its because he uses beauty creams- Anyways, on a more important note, what powers do you have? You're the hero of wild beasts, right? Who's your patron deity?"

"Patron deity?" He wondered, feeling confused. 

"Like the god or goddess that blessed you." Aquarina explained.

"These two have one after all." Zack said. "So do you have one too? If not then you're a faker."

"I have one!" Luck said angrily. "I'm not a faker… And… Uuuh, what was her name? The Goddess of Nature."