An Important Conversation


As we made our way to the third and last Miasmic Swamp, we couldn't help but have a small conversation on the way. I had slightly figured out how Luck's powers worked based on what I've analyzed out of his fighting behavior and growth.

"So one of the things I've figured out is that Luck's Magic Circle is much different than any of ours." I explained. 

"Different?" Luck wondered. "How so?"

"Well, for starters, your magic circle doesn't have normal Elemental Runes like ours." I explained. "Dad, did Elise had any difference?"

"Oh right, I do remember your mom said… like years ago something like that, but I can't remember a thing now." My father sighed.

"Me neither…" Shade said. "Though, I do remember she said it was unique."

"Hmmm, something to do with the runes?" Uncle wondered.