Luck Overcome His Fears


While the arrival of a new high-ranking Demon Servant hell-bent on killing them all was shocking, Luck couldn't really process well what was happening before he was surrounded by a dozen of gigantic insectoid monsters. From the huge spiders that destroyed his village to huge crickets, praying mantises, and more. All of such beasts exuding an overwhelming aura, all of them being Tier 7 in strength!

"We're surrounded!" The Gray Fenrir groaned. "Oi, Luck! What's gotten into you?!"

"Ungh…!" Luck suddenly felt the traumas of what had happened on his village resurfacing within his heart. He felt as if his body was paralyzed, and his heart was beating faster and faster. He couldn't stop biting his lips in nervousness. 

"T-Those bugs… They're here again?! Ungh…" Luck tried to move, but he was being way too slow.