Divine Holy Dragon Elixir


That small hour we spent lovingly talking and cuddling beneath the shadow of a big tree in the middle of the forest quickly came to an end, as we regrouped with the rest of our family to continue our journey.

We decided to move through the skies once more, flying over Uncle Arafunn's Tempest Eagle Familiar. Who was so huge all of us could comfortable sit on his fluffy feather-covered back.

"Well, well, where were you two at?" Celeste wondered while raising an eyebrow. "I bet you two were doing something lewd…"

"T-That's not it!" Aquarina blushed a bit. 

"We were just talking privately for a bit." I smiled and said what happened honestly.

"Well, that's nice of you but it would had been nicer if you joined us, you two. Especially Sylphy, your item tracking and collecting abilities are the best." Zack said. "Well, though, I am not against you two getting some alone time. I've always knew you two loved each other since we were kids…"