Evolving Skills


After having partied all day yesterday, forgetting about all worries in the world and just genuinely enjoying the day without concerns, I woke up the next day in the morning, feeling slightly sleepy. 

Alice was calling me for a while, quite eagerly so. "Sylphy, wake up! You should quickly learn some new Skills; a few Skill Trees have become available now. Afterwards, you should check your Dungeon, there's a new Floor Available!"

"Ugh, I know… But can't I just relax for a bit?" I sighed, cuddling on my bed. Aquarina was deeply asleep at my side. 

"I guess you can… But didn't you said that I had to remind you whenever there was an opportunity for you to grow stronger?" Alice wondered. "Also, you know I've been just sitting here for two weeks, right? I feel like if I don't do something I will go insane!"

"Are you Systems like this?" I raised an eyebrow.