Time To Make More System Seeds


At the same time as that happened, Luck's claws pierced the tyrant tiger he was fighting, right into the back of his neck. The beast instantly fell into the floor, incapable of fighting anymore and with such a deadly blow that it died instantly. Its body was covered on wounds, showing how tenaciously had Luck fought.

Zack had finished off the other Tyrant Tiger by himself, ending its life rather swiftly by easily blocking its hits with his winds and lightning and then beheading it with his powerful Divine Battle Axe Techniques.


[Your Allies have slain [Tyrant Tiger Juveniles (Tier 4)] x3!]

[You earned 200.000 EXP!]

Well, thanks for the EXP, I'll take it. It's not so much EXP, but it'll suffice for now, more than enough EXP for what I had expected, which was nothing at all.

"Well done! Looks like you guys Ranked Up well enough." I nodded confidently.