Mist's Dreams


After seeing everyone's Status, I have to admit that I was left… slightly speechless. Why is my name in the Divine Blessings thing?!

"Why is it there?! Alice?!" I asked her in desperation.

"C-Calm down a bit…" Alice sighed. "It's not like it's a bad thing! It just counts as a Divine Protection because you've given them heroic seeds."

"The Talent Awakening thing?" Wondered Aquarina. "Hey, I was wondering why we weren't getting that…"

"It's because you already have a Heroic Talent and a powerful Heroic Seed, something Gods plant into your souls to make you flourish through their Divine Protections." Alice explained. "So you can't get another one… However, it is different with Sylph and her friends. Because they lacked one, when Sylph gave them one, even if much smaller and weaker than the one that Gods can create, it still counted as that, and it was qualified as a Divine Protection, just like when Gods do it."