Rich Girl


"Well, look who's back!" Zack said, greeting me with the rest of my friends. 

"How were things, Sylphy? Did you make a big sale?" Mist wondered innocently. "Did you sell your products?!"

"Are you rich now?" Lara wondered. "Maybe I should also make my own crops and sell them if you can make some money with it…"

"I am not exactly rich, hahaha." I laughed a bit. "But I did struck a pretty good contract! As long as I can manage to get the quota every three months, I'll be earning a few million gold, that should be pretty good to start a capital. Maybe I could make myself a company in the future?"

"W-Wait, a few million?!" Celeste was shocked. "Oi rich girl, some people out there work their entire lives to make half of that!"

"Ahahaha… W-Well, I guess." I sighed. "I am getting too used to money, I should humble myself a bit, isn't it?"