A Request To The Dragon King


The Dragon King was pissed off I interrupted his nap, but by dropping Ignatius name, he quickly calmed down and started to think about his son.

"I see, so you want to find a Heart of one of my deceased children to help him evolve into something stronger?" He wondered. "Sigh… So pathetic, why do Spirits need such frivolities to grow stronger? You should had let him dead!"

"Well, I feel bad about what happened to him, even though he was the one that walked into a tiger's den back then and all… So I want to make up for it and help him become the strongest dragon!" I said.

"The strongest you say?!" He asked, rising one of his scaly, hairless eyebrows. "Heh, a half-elf helping a dragon become the strongest?! Heh, HAHAHAHAHAA!"

He started to laugh loudly, making my soul tremble with his mere loud voice.

"You're interesting! I did well in blessing you, brat!" He laughed. "You kind of remind me of someone from eons ago…"