Nephilim's Dreams 1


As we moved back with everyone else, we suddenly heard some news from the other two groups, apparently they also found two other murals in the other two paths. We went to left path first, and then the right.

And what we found there were the clues about where the Slimes had gone after they decided to leave these caves after the invasion of the Golems we had just defeated… 

"Apparently they divided into three groups…" Pyuku sighed. "The first group, composed of Slimes that were hardy and strong, moved to the Golden Dunes. The second group of Slimes that were better off in wet areas, moved to the West Wetlands. And lastly, the third group, composed of Slimes that desired to live peacefully over grasslands, went to the East Grasslands."

"So that's how it is!" Aquarina said. "With this we can look for them and see if any of them are still alive!" She was really excited.