Crafting Something For Aquarina Too


"You sure love her…" Alice smiled. "Well! We could ask her Spirits what she could like. She sometimes tells things to them that she tells nobody else."

"Hmm… Are they around?" I wondered, looking around. "Oh!"

Suddenly, I noticed Undine and Leviathan were hiding behind the night table, looking at what I was doing curiously.

"Hey, you guys, don't be shy and come here." Ignatius called them. "Come already!"


Undine however, simply hid even more.

"Dumbass, you're scaring them!" I told Ignatius. "Why are you like this? Seriously…"

"E-Eh? I'm just trying to help! Don't call me a dumbass!" Ignatius said angrily.

"Okay, sorry." I sighed. "Anyways, let me handle this…"

I approached the two of them stealthily, while Aquarina was fast asleep. She slept like a rock sometimes, probably because we did a lot of things last night.

"Come on now, don't be shy."