Gifting Zack His Armor


After taking a bath, we walked downstairs and were greeted by all our friends and family having already a huge breakfast feast without us! Looks like we were taking a bit too long.

Nonetheless, we used this opportunity to quickly gift Zack his well-deserved armor. My parents were shocked when I took it off and revealed it to everyone.

The mere presence of the armor exuded a powerful Aura of strength like nothing they have ever seen before. My mother and my father in particular seemed amazed.

Despite having already seen many of the things I could create, they always acted like this… I guess it was hard to get used to having such an amazing daughter, heh!

"Wow! This is amazing, Sylphy! This armor…! It's so huge but so light too?! And I can sense so much magic power from it!" Zack was excited, stopping his meal and quickly getting up to try it.