The Trio Of Goobers


The next morning came, and with that, I slowly woke up. I felt slightly refreshed as I stretched my arms around and felt the breeze of the wind coming from outside the cave.

Aquarina wasn't at my side this time, she had gone somewhere else, which is surprising as she's usually sleeping until very late.

Which was actually a bit worrying, what happened?!

I quickly walked out of the tent, finding her there. She was right outside the cave butchering another giant goat she hunted!

Wait, what? She hunted another?!

However, Zack and Luck were also helping her butcher it. I could hear their conversation quite clearly by expanding my Senses.

"I can't believe you two hunted this one, well done!" Aquarina was congratulating them. "It is not as strong as mine though, heheh."

"Those things are sure tricky, man…" Zack complained. "Eh?! What do you mean it wasn't as strong as the one you hunted?! It was even stronger I think!"