Become Gods


The projection changed in that moment, suddenly showing a different scene. The lustrous interior of the building was now set ablaze.

Sunstones constantly grew all across the interior, as the groans of humans could be heard everywhere, and mechanical beings resembling robots trying to recover as many silver-colored tablets from other rooms as they could.

The humans that served them were burning and slowly turning into Sunstone, these flames were like a contagious disease of some sort…

Right there, it could be seen something slowly looming, approaching, as the echoing voices of hundreds of people unified together into an aberrant groan made the entire building tremble.

"Become… Gods… We shall… become Gods… And… kill… KILL! KILL THE GODS! KILL THEM! BECOME GODS AND KILL THE GODS!"

The entity kept roaring; a corrupted Divine Aura kept shaking the entire building. Several Gods could be seen running towards all directions, panicking.