Yggdrasil's Chosen


Aquarina was really, really concentrated synthetizing a bunch of blue colored crystals with her Alchemy Cauldron, to the point she surprised me quite a bit.

"Sylphy! You're back!"

"Yep I'm back, how's everything going? I see you're quite busy."


She got a bit shy after I saw her working on her own things. But it was a nice thing to see. It reminded me I wasn't the only Alchemist, and that she was taught about Alchemy Magic by my mother as well.

Aquarina was in fact rather talented, I mostly relied on my Skills, but she could do amazing things only with her proficiency, patience, and magic alone.

"Ah! Sorry for going off, I was looking at a few things in my Dungeon." I giggled slightly embarrassedly. "Anyways, what's wrong? Are you embarrassed?"