Zack's Dilemma


The lizard meat was lean and unexpectedly soft once cooked, having a nice flavor that was like a combination between chicken and beef. Once seasoned, it made for a nice and tasty meal full of rich Mana and even some "Ki" or life force as they call it, which enriched our cultivation as we ate it. All thanks to mom's Cooking Magic that could boost our cultivation as we ate strong monsters' meat.

The mole's meat was like a very fatty beef, it was incredibly soft once cooked on the stew, we made mostly meatballs out of these, but just big chunks of it were also nice enough. It had some slight earthy flavor to it, but it was good, nonetheless.

I decided to combine both meats and make burgers out of them, which were amazing, combining their flavors, fattiness, and softness together. And when we finally finished pigging out, we kept on moving.