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If I'm getting something out of this, is that Special Units are capable of teaching a civilization their abilities and slowly build some sort of military force? Well, it depends. For Ivy, I think she could teach the ones that hunt to hunt much better, while hunting herself and providing to the village. Meanwhile, Selene should be able to teach everyone how to use magic as long as they have the affinity for it.

I decided to leave a few more books about magic and also a bestiary that included the common monsters of this dungeon, so both Selene and Ivy could learn to improve their abilities and teaching capabilities.

"Alright, so Ivy, if you want to help, try to get friendly with everyone here and seek the hunters to teach them your ways." I told her. "You should also hunt a few things to show them too."

"Sure! Leave it to me boss." She already was calling me boss.

"I'm sure Selene can introduce you better to the place, right?" I asked Selene.