Progressing Civilization


It took a while to convince Selene they weren't gods, but it worked. At the end she decided to call my friends as "divine guardians" or something. I guess that's alright. It's not like they mind; they liked the title more than I imagined. I also decided to keep a secret Aquarina's relationship with me for now. Not because I was ashamed of it, but because they would most likely insist she's a goddess then and it would be impossible to change their minds. And I don't want to bother Aquarina with this stuff.

As we entered the church and my friends marveled at its decorated interior, I checked the several notifications popping up in front of me for a little while now. It has been over a week since my last visit to the dungeon. And that was enough for over a month to go by. Almost two months, in fact. There was a lot of things to notice.

[56 Days have passed since your last return to your Civilization, welcome back, Goddess Sylphy!]