Nursing The Dying Hegenemeia People


We carried the three other Hegenemeia people to the surface as hard as we could, while I made sure Glutton stored anything of value left behind. Mostly non Orichalcum things. He ended finding a lot of Magic Jewels, Metals of other kinds, some pieces of broken Relics that could have some uses, and lastly a large golden spear. Perhaps the only Relic that was left intact, it was tremendously huge though.

They rested above the golden sands, while being bathed by the bright and warm sunlight, which was mostly overwhelming for everyone else except me and the adults. There was a big commotion from Luck, Zack, and Arafunn once they saw what we ended bringing back from the ruins. Mist was constantly explaining everything to Zack, but she spoke so fast he couldn't understand her words.