Developing Farms & Civilization


Selene led us to the farming lands which had been expanded a bit so far, and I gave her the Nature Dragon Flowers. The Arboren there quickly started planting them with their special abilities, and Selene then gave the plants a blessing using her abilities as well. The other Dragon Flowers, the Dark, Holy, and Fire Dragon Flowers had grown rather well, multiplying through their roots.

By now, there were five additional ones from each color, with more to come sooner as I saw smaller sprouts. Thanks to the effects of combined abilities, blessings, my skills, and the dungeon. These flowers can multiply this way quite infinitely, which like the others.

However, I've already tested and even after making potions using tens of these, my dragon heart barely advances, even less my other methods of cultivation. So what I needed was a lot of quantity, of increase their quality!