The Origins Of Jupiter


Introductions were given, alongside further explanations about what we've been doing so far down here for the last three hours. All while we started cooking up a big feast to celebrate our victory, we were very hungry after all. Explaining about the robots was the hardest part as everyone didn't really understand what they truly were, at the end we went with "talking golems" because they simply couldn't understand that well their true meaning.

Nonetheless, as we ate, the Chief Robot explained the existence of the tree above, and also how important it was for them. It was quite literally like an Yggdrasil Tree but for these robots in specific.

"So that tree is made out of your fallen comrades' cores?" Wondered my mother. "I see… And perhaps it is inside the cores where your artificial minds are stored, right? Amazing, so that tree, it has become somewhat of a living and breathing being despite having its origins from artificial beings."