Important Conversations Of What Await Us In The Future


Using my Cooking Skill to aid in the process, we cooked some delicious breakfast together with Aquarina. Nothing extraordinary, just some really tasty pancakes. With that said and done, we ate together as a big family, talking about what has happened so far, and the big journey we've had together, while I also talked more in detail with the fight we had against Jupiter, with Aquarina adding some notes as I explained further.

There were a lot of people now, even some that joined us along the way, mostly a lot of slimes, but also the four golden statue-like people with enormous sizes and beastly appearances, yet with hearts of gold, and the origin of Orichalcum, the Hegenemeia People, with Sphynxiette as their leader.

"Well, a lot has transpired even when I joined you all, but as always, you all have our eternal gratitude. Without your help, we would have continued suffering in those pyramids, to a terrible and slow death." Sphynxiette sighed.