A Girlfriend That Won't Leave Me Alone


"The human continent? Right, that's where we came from…" Zack said. "What was the continent name again?"

"Gallatea…" Said Aquarina. "The Amazonian Tribe home was within the jungles located over there. It has been so many years since we left, I guess it doesn't really feel like home to me anymore."

"An awful place, honestly." Celeste sighed. "Don't really have any good experiences there."

"Me neither…" Mist sighed. "I-I know not all humans are awful, but we met a lot of awful humans there…"

"I still remember when they kidnaped me…" Celica sighed.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up." Zack said.

"Nah, it's fine, been years since then. We've been living really well… And well, I also committed a lot of mistakes myself- fucked up a lot of shit. I should have died back then, I'm only alive because of everyone's kindness…" Celeste said. "Thanks for… believing that I could improve."