The Blue Mountains


"Sylphy, wake up… We're almost getting there."


Slowly, I opened my eyes.

It seems that I had fallen asleep at some point.

The morning sun of the next day could be seen through the windows of the airship.

We've been traveling for over ten hours I believe.


Dad woke me up, he seemed slightly sleepy, but I think he stayed awake the entire time.

Was he sad, maybe?

I couldn't tell, but he was smiling with the same confidence he always did.

I kind of admire my dad, he's always smiling and showing confidence.

How can I gain that? It's hard to even smile after being separated from my friends, my brother, from mom, and from Aquarina.

"Did you sleep well? You slept for like twelve hours, haha," he was drinking some coffee. "Here, I brought you some tea, sandwiches, and cookies. Can you wake up Celica and Celeste?"

"Sure…" I yawned, as I realized we were very far away from Agartha now.