A Master That Doesn't Take Care Of Herself


I think master didnt take a bathe either, her hair looked messy, and she was still with the face of a sleepy woman. And even more, she was so lazy she was preparing food inside her alchemy cauldron. I mean, we make potions inside and all of that, but is that still safe to do?

"Yeah, she does this from time to time…" my father sighed, as he was making a lot of eggs with bacon. "Just don't eat whatever she makes, its not toxic, but still, your stomach usually hurts after eating it…"

"Hey, Allan! Don't undersell me like this!" Felicia sighed. "The food is good, this is one of the best life hacks I've ever learned. Making food with alchemy is so easy. You just throw the ingredients and using some alchemy, and your visualization, and ta-dah!"