Meeting The Matriarch


The matriarch, a mysterious figure that Zephyrus, Mist, and Lara had never heard about from Faylen until now, through the entire trip, she had talked a lot about the monsters around the garden, their materials, how to prepare potions and antidotes against their poison, and more.

And although it was very informative, they noticed she had been secretive about everything, either because she wanted to surprise them, or because she didn't really want to talk about it if she could help it…

"Alright children, you know how to fly, right?" Faylen asked them.

"I do!" Zephyrus nodded. "{Golden Phoenix Wings}!"


Zephy suddenly grew a pair of large, golden wings from his back in a similar fashion to Sylph's Draconification wings, they were not magical, as they were physical and real, but would quickly retract once the transformation was undone.