Father And Daughter Duo Against A True Demon Duke!


Allan glanced in disbelief as he was about to finish off the last of the four chimeras, his daughter had beaten him up to it, defeating both monsters before he could! He felt both slightly embarrassed and also fascinated, his daughter was amazing!

"Hah, I guess I can't just slack off either, can't I?" laughed Allan. "My daughter's dead set on surpassing her old man! I can't just let her win though! I have my own pride as a warrior!"

Allan rushed against the beast multi-headed monstrosity, swinging his giant blade in a similar fashion to his daughter, not once, but twice at the same time, creating a cross of holy white flames.

"{Crescent Cross Nova}!"


The slash pierced through the monster instantly, its magic, arms, or any attack and attempt at fighting back was immediately nullified, as the crescent cross of flames engulfed it and divided it into four pieces, burning them into ashes.