Triad Spiritual Contract


When Selene began to despair as her heart started to waver and her resolve to disappear due to the combination of many events and things that started wearing down at her mind, two spirits appeared behind her.

One was the fairy-like Yggdra, and the other was little Naturia, who resembled more of a child than an actual fairy now, their appearances quickly made Selene feel startled.

"Y-You… Who are you?" Selene muttered. "I'm sorry, d-did you heard what I said? I have been feeling so sad that I ended saying such things, I apologize for-"

"There's no need to apologize," said the fairy. "My name is Yggdra, and I am one of Sylph's Familiars and Contracted Spirits."

"And I'm Naturia, the same! Nice to meetcha!" Naturia giggled cutely.

"Y-You're the Goddess Spirits?!" Selene panicked even more.

"Yes, and we've come here to help you set your heart in the right place," Yggdra smiled gently. "Let us make a contract."

A contract.