The Girl's Problems


I felt a bit bad that I didn't knew this type of people existed in the world, apparently, after Ruby went into more details, she was a transgender, a person that transitions into the gender they weren't assigned at birth, but that they chose.

It makes sense to me now that I think about it, sometimes people would be born without really wanting to be a man or a woman, right? As she said, she was a girl at heart, and that's really cute.

"Thank you for telling us such a secret…" I said. "I'm very sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable before or something, it wasn't our intention, Ruby!"

"I-It's fine…" she sighed. "It wasn't as if it really bothered me… It's just that, aside from mom, nobody had ever said I was cute or something."

"Hm, well, dwarves do seem like some sort of stuck-up people, I bet they aren't really going around telling cuties they're cute," said Celeste.

"Yeah!" Celica nodded. "Or is there other problem?"