It Was A Test All Along!


Ruby was surprised.

"It was a test this whole time?! Really?!" Ruby grew so nervous she even panicked a little. "Why didn't you tell me!"

"It's exactly for this!" said Felicia, pointing at her. "You're panicking and hyperventilating. You already passed, so it doesn't matter, right? You seem unable to work well under pressure, so we have to work around differently, you see. But you passed the test, so well done, Ruby."

"Ugh…" Ruby sighed. "Thank you…"

"Anyways, want to try making some potions now?" wondered Felicia. "Let me teach you!"

"A-Ah, but I'm rather tired right now…" Ruby groaned.

"Come on, making potions is easy," said Felicia. "Once you make your first one you'll quickly figure out how to make more."

"O-Okay, but calm down please…" Ruby sighed. "So how do I start?"

"First, here!"