Brownie's Evolution


Brownie was definitely an oddball when compared to the other Spirits I have, unlike them, he was conceived on a more complicated and strange way.

Unlike the other spirits, Brownie was obtained through quest system rewards, I remember it was on a potion, an Earth Spirit potion or something.

Yeah, it was indeed just a potion! It came when I completed that one quest about helping the farms of Agartha from the pest of giant moles.

The elixir in question… I don't remember it well, but I'm fairly sure that it combined with the soul essence of the many mole monsters I defeated.

And once I drank that, I think, he emerged, pretty much being born from my own spiritual energies, so he's like my own kid as well, right?

And he took upon the form of those moles, therefore looking like a mole despite being a spirit, I've seen other Earth Spirits when I visited my family in the Elven Kingdom.