


As I pulled open the door what greeted us was… well, it wasn't anything amazing. I had imagined it might be those dimensional dungeons with open world floor or something, but I was utterly wronged.

Instead, what we found was dark caves like before, illuminated with tons of Goos moving everywhere, and also crystals stuck to the ground or ceiling.

And these "Goos" which I imagined might be cute, were super ugly. They weren't at all like our adorable slimes!

Nope, they were ugly masses of acid and liquid, not compact like slimes but more liquid, so liquid they seemed unable to keep large shapes.

So they resembled melting poodles of acid moving around the place. They also had huge smiles made of… flesh and teeth, somehow.

To top it they had a lot of eyes covering their bodies.

So without a doubt the Goos were ugly as sin!

"So these are the Goos…" said Celica. "So ugly!"