Hunting Goos


So at the end, that damn thing wasn't even a Goo King but something even worse, a "Goo Queen" for some reason.

"So what's the difference anyways?" asked Celeste, grabbing the rainbow-colored stones. "Ooh these are really pretty!"

"Unlike the Goo King who is usually between Tier 4 or 5, the Goo Queens are much larger, and can reach Tiers as high as Tier 8! Sometimes… it has been said there was one in this dungeon that was Tier 9, a Goo Queen that has lived for thousands of years producing the majority of the Goos in the dungeon!" said Ruby. "Y-You don't think we just killed that primordial monster that has lived for super long time, right?!"

"Eeeh… I would say… don't think about it," I shrugged, as I grabbed the pretty rainbow stones. "Oh wow these are amazing!"

I could immediately sense a lot of spiritual and magical energies within them at a very condensed and high-quality state.