Aquarina's Status


That wasn't the first time Aquarina had wished to give System Seeds to her friends, for a while now that she had been wanting to do that. But because only Sylphy had such a power, it was impossible for her to replicate it and help her friends grow quickly.

She had been growing steadily herself, and her Status has changed more than once through the year she had spent here. Although her levels haven't increased too much as she had not been doing much battle at all, her training had increased her stats over time, and her skill levels.

She also gained a couple of new Skills too, and her stats increased when she cultivated her physique and magic circle to higher levels and tiers… Although, unfortunately, her magic circle hasn't progressed as much as her physique because of the teachings, she had been constantly refining runes, but couldn't help but feel the distance between her magic circle and her physique grow.